To find out about the operation of the charity visit the SCIO info page

Our board known as, the hall committee is made up of the members of the Board (the charities trustees) and those members that have volunteered to take an active role in the management and governance. A code of conduct is in place for all to abide by.

It aims to meet once a month at the hall. Usually on the first or second Monday of the month at 7.30pm.

Please contact us if you wish to share ideas, improvements or can offer support to the running of the hall for our local community.

Everyone in our local community* is welcome and invited to join become a member and volunteer to get involved in activities. Please get in touch with a trustee, member or just ask to come along.

We currently have two self-employed contractors who are critical in the operation of hall’s maintenance and its cleanliness.

Chair: Amanda Fraser (Standing down at next AGM, position to be filled by a Trustee)
Meetings, queries, feedback, applying for funding and grants, finance related matters) 
Contact :

Vice-Chair: Neil MacDonald (Trustee) (Hall care and maintenance)
Convening a sub-committee on heating. If you have skills and time, please make contact.

Treasurer: Angie Cushnie (Standing down at next AGM, position to be filled by a Trustee)
Contact :

Secretary: Teresa MacLennan (Trustee)
(Meeting arrangements, social media, event promotion)
Contact :

Trustees | Marcia Humes

Active members on the hall committee (no specific role, not Trustees)
Eilidh Thomson (Playpark sub-group)
Evie Jack
Eleanor MacDonald
David Smith

Volunteer roles
Hall bookings – Angie Cushnie
Grass cutting – David Smith
Digital volunteer for Website/Social media – looking for help
Heating sub-committee – Anne Briffett
Christmas community get together – Angie and Amanda
If you have a skill or an interest, and time to donate. Please do get in touch.
The more people we have the more we can do together!

The Fairburn Memorial Hall SCIO currently supports some paid roles through its activities which are critical to the safe running of the hall.  We endeavor to see that we use local people and suppliers in our community.

*Our constitution guides members and board (Charity Trustee) eligibility
